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Game freezing

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  • carglass
    when I frame cruising mission the game freezes, to be able to continue playing I have to refresh it.
    I have used chrome and firefox and the result is the same

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  • tolkenmoon
    So yesterday while doing chest explore 5 times within 5 minutes, today 4 times within 30 seconds while trying to move the map around. Not acceptable this only became this bad after last update.

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  • elgringo7
    kann keine missions machen schon eine tag lang - macht irgendwas

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  • elgringo7
    wtf, its time to do something ......................

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  • elgringo7
    Geht mir auch so

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  • tolkenmoon
    started a topic Game freezing

    Game freezing

    Since the last update the game now freezes constantly, I have had to refresh my browser at least 10 times so far today (have been playing around 5 hours so far) and it seems to be getting worse. I can understand maybe a few times which i have had since starting to play around 10 weeks ago, which occurred every time a an event finished but not the amount i get now. I mostly use Opera but have tried fire fox as well and it is the same.

    Getting annoyed with bugs and no response from the game providers. Also the way the game is pushed to the American market we have to miss the new borg mission or get up at 3 in the morning which isn't going to happen.

    My monthly sub runs out at the end of the month and i see no reason to continue paying for the game.