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Virtual Battle Bugs and more

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  • Virtual Battle Bugs and more

    The Virtual Battle is completely wrecked and doesn't allow for matching to occur or battles to be viewed or given information as to when they end so the match button can be pushed again. The Ship Debris event failed to deliver the vast majority of items only giving 6 after 8 hours and a good number of surviving affiliate ships.

    Merry Christmas. Great way to add some frustration to the Christmas spirit. At least it's a Monday though so the Week long feat event got to finish without being affected by this amazing 'feat' of updating. And speaking of Feats... I had 600 more feats than is showing in the feat count / ranking and that's missing.

    I will write a lot more detail in a private message to GameSamba. I am very curious to know what they think of my opinion of what the Kardassian affiliate ships look like all clustered together... LOL... I'll give them my 'suggestion' privately.