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How does new affiliate ship upgrade interface work

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  • 763649905773
    mmm strange thing... I had obviouslyly restarted the game several times to see if that would make a difference - it didn't. Next day after posting the issue I log in and magically everything has upgraded to the correct levels. I won't question,

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  • How does new affiliate ship upgrade interface work

    I have an aff ship upgraded to blue and the ship is lv80 matching my character level. On the Level Up tab the four components are at lv31 (same as it was when green) and I cannot see how to increase it. When I click on the Upgrade All button I get the message 'The affiliate ship level cannot exceed the character level'.
    What am I missing here? did I forget to do something?
    I have another ship fully upgraded appart from 2 components on the Level Up tab stuck at 79 (other 2 are at 80) I get the same message when clicking the Upgrade All button.
    The latest upgrade notes include the following line - what does it mean and how does it differ from before?
    4. Affiliate ship components will level up as the affiliate ship upgrades.