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PVP Feats

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  • rockingjohn
    I will try to explain again what I mean...
    1) I select the hammer icon to mine and whilst mining get attacked and lose...Attacker gets points...(No problem with that)
    I select the hammer icon to mine and whilst mining get attacked and win both players get nothing..(winner should get points)
    3) I cannot select hammer and mine if off line...(so passive doesn't come into it).

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  • tamlin77
    Sounds like you are saying if you defend you should also get points vs when you are the attacker.

    I think the idea is that you are playing when you attack.. defending is passive and doesn't even require you to be online. That is likely the reason. So they simply made it you attack and win you get points,, you lose you don't.

    The concept being that online play rewards players not passive play.

    That being said, if its truly capped (in the conventional sense outside of reward boxes etc.) then I wouldn't see the harm is just making it go to the winner. I just don't suspect they will do that because of the passive model i described.

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  • rockingjohn
    I understand that, but I think you missed the point, I am not saying both sides get points just the victor.

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  • 41408470099
    And what do you do against player they pushed a second account with attacks and lose? it is easy 8-9 Accounts with 3 fleets, get around 2000 feat in a few min, normal player need loot 50 planetes or size 20 or attack 27 fleets.

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  • rockingjohn
    started a topic PVP Feats

    PVP Feats

    When a fleet attacks and wins they get feat points, but if they loose the defender does not anything, I think this is wrong the victor should get the feat points...