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Final Thoughts on Fairy Tail:Hero's Journey

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  • 32731554205454
    Hello I am new to the game and i was wondering if anyone knew how to turn off the auto battle in the game thank u

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  • 33541504848106
    Tbh I share most of your concerns.
    I would like to point out I feel like the "Draw" system was rushed and added in last minute in order to compete with the standard Draw system of Naruto Online.

    I hope the Draw system in FT gets changed or isn't done.
    First of all, the current Draw system is set up to where ONLY 10 pulls are counted towards the "Limited Character" on the 7th 10 pull. So single draws do not count towards this.
    Second of all, on the "limited Character" on 7th 10 pull, it isn't there. It doesn't give you any of the Limited Characters (The ones that it says are the Limited ones when you hover over the Draw treasure). It just gives you some common.

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  • shishkebab
    Originally posted by 31561504818528 View Post
    You speak as if you think no one will spend that much. Besides how is it not op? The mount is the only reason people are reaching 200k power no problem. Yea its cause you get free gold, But again. The mount it self gives the most power out of anything else. If that isnt change, thats what people are gonna go for.
    It works the same way in the other games and trust me, people don't go for it in any of them unless they're really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally stupid and doesn't know how to play this kind of game.

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  • 31561504818528
    Originally posted by riosukedragoneel View Post
    if you think mount is op you honestly dont think do you......
    the mount was only op because of the horn changing goldto slivler which allow you to do x50 for sliver 10 more times than gold not to mentenion doing that took over 80k goldof converting to even make it up to lvl 6 if anything its hella underpowered the game is pay to win that means you wouldof payed 2k dollars just to get op using a glitch to get that without a glitch means it would take you 600-800k gold to recieve around same effects
    You speak as if you think no one will spend that much. Besides how is it not op? The mount is the only reason people are reaching 200k power no problem. Yea its cause you get free gold, But again. The mount it self gives the most power out of anything else. If that isnt change, thats what people are gonna go for.

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  • riosukedragoneel
    Originally posted by 31561504818528 View Post
    First off, ITS A HIT OR MISS. You either like or you dont. Me as a browser game lover, I love games like this. Its simple, Graphics can be better. But for me its good, Its a typical browser game.

    Now im lv 45, Everything that can unlocked is unlocked. I have use everything the CBT has to offer.

    First off, A lot of people complaining that there is no COMBO system. This has been known, we knew it wasnt gonna have one. And it most likely will NOT get one. But that doesnt make the game any less fun or more fun. Yes it would be nice, but what does it do? All it does is give a little more dmg. thats it. This game doesnt need that extra little bit of dmg,From the stones, the mount, the pet, and Ex.Gear you get enough power. Also for the Ex.Gear It should give a little more power considering how expensive its gonna be to get a specific gear for a character.

    Second, The mount: The mount is WAY TOO OP, If the mount stay the way it is. The game will just be unbalanced, Those rare characters Like Laxus, Gramps,E.N.D, Gildarts, ETC. Characters that will come, and will posibbly break the game. They WONT matter, This game is all about power. You have enough power you can win, If you have close power to your opponent.Yes your characters help out, But again 9/10 the one with the most power will win no matter the team. And you gotta realize, Right now Evergreen and Bickslow are OP. Those characters arent hard to get. You get those you good, Just lv up your mount and you easily get 10k+ power at lv 30. Thats unfair. Characters will play a very little role if everyone just goes for the mount upgrades.

    Third,Skip Battle:If i know im gonna win, or just straight up lose. I wanna skip the battle, I dont want to watch. And VIP 4 just for that, if a bit much. You can just have it unlocked at a certain lv, Or at least VIP1. Or just add a way to speed up the battles. Some battle will take forever, i dont wanna be sitting for 5-10 minutes when i fight someone. Or when i fight the world boss. Its not really a big deal, You guys wanna go the business side of it, Do it at VIP 1. Its not expensive, Its worth it for those who like to speed through things. And people would at leats top up for that.

    Fourth,Small Detail: Now Companies think that players wont care about little things like hearing the voice of a character Or hearing the sound of a mount. We do, Its not really a big deal. Its just a nice treat for the players. A lot of players including me, wanna hear those little sounds. We wanna hear Natsu saying the name of his special, We wanna hear Gray's Ice breaking, Etc. Also...Let me transform my character, Let me LOOK Natsu.

    Fifth, Main Quest/Side Quest: I noticed that when i do the side quest when im done with all the main quest. That when i would lv up and i was ahead of the main quest, I wouldnt get the quest to complete the previous battles. All the opponents before the boss, i wouldnt get the quest for them....Basically i want those quest...I want that XP. But thats really just a me thing, its not really important.

    Now for the stuff the game is doing RIGHT.

    The game itself seems very fast. It wont take long to reach high lvs, Maybe a day of spending stamina to just lv up to the next lv. You do get quite a bit of Gold and Recruite Scrolls from getting Full stars on every stage.Giving free items for buying stuff from the shop, Characters are fairly easy to get but upgrading them to their next for takes quite a bit of wasted stamina. So maybe add ways to get all those items easier. Getting better gear doesnt seem that hard either. And its always nice to have a way to not see every other person in the map.

    Thats really all i can come up with for the CBT. Not much to work with right now, but still. good enough.
    if you think mount is op you honestly dont think do you......
    the mount was only op because of the horn changing goldto slivler which allow you to do x50 for sliver 10 more times than gold not to mentenion doing that took over 80k goldof converting to even make it up to lvl 6 if anything its hella underpowered the game is pay to win that means you wouldof payed 2k dollars just to get op using a glitch to get that without a glitch means it would take you 600-800k gold to recieve around same effects

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  • shishkebab
    The mount seems OP because we're getting 20k gold for free, when it comes to people spending money to buy gold when the game launchs, that won't happen, the thing is the Mount is the equivalent of Reiatsu from Bleach Online and Bijuu from Unlimited Ninja, and people who played those games know that it's really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally expensive to level up that when it comes to using gold to it, people will level up it with Silver only, unless they want to throw money away.
    But still, it should have a level restriction like the other games, I mean, it asking you to have a certain level to be able to level up it above level X, it doesn't have it right now.

    About the Skip Battle is because the game lacks content and events, because you can get Skip Battle Cards through events to skip battle even if you're not VIP4, besides VIP4 it's not that expensive to get anyway, unless they literaly f*ck everything up with insane gold prices, that could happen seeing how they put the prices of the gems and other itens through the game.

    Yeah, voice acting is cool, they said they're working to add it. But about the sound of the mount, please, no, the whole existence of the mounts is already stupid, I know it's related to the show, but they could've made something better than this.

    Now about my thoughts.

    They need to change a lot of things and fix a lot of things, the prices of the itens are way off, the whole Awakening System is kinda BS, they tried to make it like the awakening system from Naruto Online, but there you can farm the materials to awake your characters, but here you can't farm them, that makes awakening boring slow.
    The Guild Skill System is a mess, I don't know why they thought it would be cool to make the skills EXP based instead of straight level up them like the other games, if you donate max daily you get 3000 contribution points, that makes you level up a skill to like level 2 or something, it's too much expensive for too little stats, besides the same currency you use to level up guild skills you use to buy itens from the guild shop, so you need to choose if you level up skill or you buy itens from the shop, this will not work for free players, even for p2w players, because even if they donate max daily you can't do both properly, they should've made two currencies in the guild, 1 to buy things from the shop and the other to level you skills, and please, make it straight level up instead of EXP bar based, otherwise it won't work and won't feel rewarding for free, low cash players and even heavy cash players.

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  • valkeries
    sure the game is fun now but when you no longer get the 20k free gold will it still be fun thats the question

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  • 31561504818528
    Originally posted by yvee3 View Post
    I absolutely love your feedbacks. Straight to the point and really honest. However I'd like to disagree on number one: combos. It's not just about power, it's about strategizing thoroughly and not just placing whoever they want. I have zero problem with not having combos but I understand why people loves it. It doesn't make the fight look flat. And another disagree on making farm materials a little easier. For me, it's perfect already. We can only rank-up characters thrice max. And it's not a big deal to spend 1 week or 1 month to rank-up, at least for me.

    yea, i get it. it ads a strategic feel to it, But like the person above says. Its just gonna limit teams, And i dont want that. I wanna be able to have fun and put my favorite characters in a team and not worry about if its gonna make me weak, Or just not work at all cause they dont combo well. As for the Rank up, I agree with you at some point. I can stand a weak, But see my thing is i dont wanna waste my stamina going for those materials for a week. The least they can do is make is 2x drop on certain days. Cause when i tried to rank up Natsu, Wasted a 100 stam and only got 5 things for him. Yes i know you cant rank him up, i didnt notice the lv thing.

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  • 35481505274843
    Originally posted by yvee3 View Post
    I absolutely love your feedbacks. Straight to the point and really honest. However I'd like to disagree on number one: combos. It's not just about power, it's about strategizing thoroughly and not just placing whoever they want. I have zero problem with not having combos but I understand why people loves it. It doesn't make the fight look flat. And another disagree on making farm materials a little easier. For me, it's perfect already. We can only rank-up characters thrice max. And it's not a big deal to spend 1 week or 1 month to rank-up, at least for me.
    ​Two fer on this, my issue with combo is one of team restriction. We saw this in Naruto Online that if your team doesn't combo well it does not win. Which makes teams that much worse. It gets to a point that if you don't have the right summon you can't make a team because they don't combo. I feel the bond system does a good job giving us bonus stats without forcing us into cookie cutter builds.

    ​Second the fact that it takes ~2 weeks to rank up one person is crazy. Sure right now we only have 3 and I could understand not wanting to let us do that in a day. But upwards of a month to go from base to up one rank? It means that some characters, like Reedus, are unusable because of the low ranking we get him and since we only have 5 tanks; 2 level locked and 2 you get right away it seems terrible to me that 20% of them are useless.

    ​To go through op points with my own thoughts:
    ​1; I agree for the most part but I wouldn't make ex. gear more powerful I would just get rid of the half star thing. Where we are at now I am not sure how powerful it really is because of how overpowering mounts are. I do think some of the level 1 skills aren't worth it (Fury growth by 20%? Are we going to get supports that give fury or is it just going to make the numbers awkward?)

    ​2; Agree 100% here nothing more to add.

    ​3; I would say introduce a 2x mode at level 30 or something. I get keeping skip battle at vip4 but I don't see a reason the game can't be sped up just a bit for some actions.

    ​4; I am not a fan of fairy tale, I came here because I like browser games so maybe I am the wrong market for this question. But I don't care to hear the characters say anything. I play the game muted as is. It would be a nice option but I won't fight for or against. Costumes would be nice though.

    ​5; For side quests I have a different issue from the op, my problem I more that the xp is almost completely not worth it. The level 45 side quests give as much xp as one fight. So each one is pretty much win 3 battles and win the 4th free. If we got either something for it (Be a rank up mat or even a silver bag it wouldn't be an issue to me) that would be nice, but as is that is just less stam I am using to auto a boss.

    ​For positives; the game is remarkably fun. I am enjoying it every step of the way. It is fast enough were I don't feel like I am wasting my time (Hello post level 75 Naruto Online) but not to fast where I can't take a breather and make sure I have enough silver to level my guys. The star rewards are great. Everything is fairly costed (I am a little worried that once I don't get 20k free gold a day I won't think so.). But over all a solid game once the kinks are ironed out this is easily a 7/10 game. (Kinks being the battles freezing and Screen Going black those are the only two big bugs that I have noticed left.)

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  • yvee3
    I absolutely love your feedbacks. Straight to the point and really honest. However I'd like to disagree on number one: combos. It's not just about power, it's about strategizing thoroughly and not just placing whoever they want. I have zero problem with not having combos but I understand why people loves it. It doesn't make the fight look flat. And another disagree on making farm materials a little easier. For me, it's perfect already. We can only rank-up characters thrice max. And it's not a big deal to spend 1 week or 1 month to rank-up, at least for me.

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  • jordird
    I'm sure that i will do a post like this in some days. Anyways right now my problem with the game is this. Pls game staff work on mounts.

    Originally posted by 31561504818528 View Post

    Second, The mount: The mount is WAY TOO OP, If the mount stay the way it is. The game will just be unbalanced, Those rare characters Like Laxus, Gramps,E.N.D, Gildarts, ETC. Characters that will come, and will posibbly break the game. They WONT matter, This game is all about power. You have enough power you can win, If you have close power to your opponent.Yes your characters help out, But again 9/10 the one with the most power will win no matter the team. And you gotta realize, Right now Evergreen and Bickslow are OP. Those characters arent hard to get. You get those you good, Just lv up your mount and you easily get 10k+ power at lv 30. Thats unfair. Characters will play a very little role if everyone just goes for the mount upgrades.
    +1, fav,rt

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  • 31561504818528
    started a topic Final Thoughts on Fairy Tail:Hero's Journey

    Final Thoughts on Fairy Tail:Hero's Journey

    First off, ITS A HIT OR MISS. You either like or you dont. Me as a browser game lover, I love games like this. Its simple, Graphics can be better. But for me its good, Its a typical browser game.

    Now im lv 45, Everything that can unlocked is unlocked. I have use everything the CBT has to offer.

    First off, A lot of people complaining that there is no COMBO system. This has been known, we knew it wasnt gonna have one. And it most likely will NOT get one. But that doesnt make the game any less fun or more fun. Yes it would be nice, but what does it do? All it does is give a little more dmg. thats it. This game doesnt need that extra little bit of dmg,From the stones, the mount, the pet, and Ex.Gear you get enough power. Also for the Ex.Gear It should give a little more power considering how expensive its gonna be to get a specific gear for a character.

    Second, The mount: The mount is WAY TOO OP, If the mount stay the way it is. The game will just be unbalanced, Those rare characters Like Laxus, Gramps,E.N.D, Gildarts, ETC. Characters that will come, and will posibbly break the game. They WONT matter, This game is all about power. You have enough power you can win, If you have close power to your opponent.Yes your characters help out, But again 9/10 the one with the most power will win no matter the team. And you gotta realize, Right now Evergreen and Bickslow are OP. Those characters arent hard to get. You get those you good, Just lv up your mount and you easily get 10k+ power at lv 30. Thats unfair. Characters will play a very little role if everyone just goes for the mount upgrades.

    Third,Skip Battle:If i know im gonna win, or just straight up lose. I wanna skip the battle, I dont want to watch. And VIP 4 just for that, if a bit much. You can just have it unlocked at a certain lv, Or at least VIP1. Or just add a way to speed up the battles. Some battle will take forever, i dont wanna be sitting for 5-10 minutes when i fight someone. Or when i fight the world boss. Its not really a big deal, You guys wanna go the business side of it, Do it at VIP 1. Its not expensive, Its worth it for those who like to speed through things. And people would at leats top up for that.

    Fourth,Small Detail: Now Companies think that players wont care about little things like hearing the voice of a character Or hearing the sound of a mount. We do, Its not really a big deal. Its just a nice treat for the players. A lot of players including me, wanna hear those little sounds. We wanna hear Natsu saying the name of his special, We wanna hear Gray's Ice breaking, Etc. Also...Let me transform my character, Let me LOOK Natsu.

    Fifth, Main Quest/Side Quest: I noticed that when i do the side quest when im done with all the main quest. That when i would lv up and i was ahead of the main quest, I wouldnt get the quest to complete the previous battles. All the opponents before the boss, i wouldnt get the quest for them....Basically i want those quest...I want that XP. But thats really just a me thing, its not really important.

    Now for the stuff the game is doing RIGHT.

    The game itself seems very fast. It wont take long to reach high lvs, Maybe a day of spending stamina to just lv up to the next lv. You do get quite a bit of Gold and Recruite Scrolls from getting Full stars on every stage.Giving free items for buying stuff from the shop, Characters are fairly easy to get but upgrading them to their next for takes quite a bit of wasted stamina. So maybe add ways to get all those items easier. Getting better gear doesnt seem that hard either. And its always nice to have a way to not see every other person in the map.

    Thats really all i can come up with for the CBT. Not much to work with right now, but still. good enough.