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Your missing a style to test.

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  • Your missing a style to test.

    So I understand that the format of the game is going to dramatically change and that's probably the reason why you took practically all the things from other anime based browser games and put it in this CBT, but your missing one the OG best browser game that has ever existed! POCKI NINJA!!!!

    Legit that game was the primmest example of what a browser game should be especially an anime based browser game. Regretfully it got shut down because it didn't have a license. Although I can say with a 100% assurance rate that the game was the best and still would have been the best browser game ever and probably the best game ever for anime fans that discovered it. One of the things that made it so amazing was the literally revolutionary idea of not having to walk every where in an mmorpg. Its not fun having to constantly click somewhere to get there and even less fun watching auto-pathing move your character for you, the feeling I can compare it best to is watching paint dry. What Pocki Ninja did was simple install a map for you travel from zone to zone. There were waiting screens but having to walk form one side of the map to the next in other games, really made you appreciate the concept. They also didn't clutter the screen with a bunch of random other new players. Instead UI was just a beautiful town scenery using all the extra uncluttered space that would have been taken up by a character to showcase the art style of the game of the game, really aesthetically pleasing and user friendly. That was just one of the staples of the game I really recommend you view the game as reference. As I said it was shutdown due to licensing problems, but the internet is full of videos and pictures of its content, browser games out these days don't even hold a candle to Pocki Ninja and if you were to implement something from it like its UI (really recommend the UI), or its other ingenuous idea of uniforms that transform you into the character instead of teams, or something else like its skill system . Then people that still check back to see if Pocki Ninja is still alive (Trust me its a metric ton of them) then not only will they invest more money in the game to keep it alive, but also spend a lot of there own personal time in it as well. Please take my suggestion to heart before releasing the real version of the game.

    Here are some pictures of its UI
