Just a thread to compile bugs as I find them. Juggling a few alts to try out/focus on different characters.
-When playing on chrome, if you switch to another tab for just a couple mins you seem to get disconnected. Windows Edge doesn't have this issue.
-Main character's level 4 awakening gives +5% physical attack, even if you're a mage which uses magic/int.
-Game tends to freeze when a unit dies by dot damage or block.
-Exclusive keys are 200gold, 10=2,000 yet drawing 10 from the screen will only require 1,600gold. Invisible rebate?
-Same issue with partners. Scrolls are 100g, 10=1000g yet drawing uses only 800.
-Cosmetic issue, don't recall which browsers had it but sometimes enemies appear stuck in animation right in front of vanguard.
-Not sure about this one, Kageyama doesn't seem to seal much compared to say Evergreen. Don't recall if there was someone capable of silence in game yet, but I take it it'll be considered a different debuff from stun and seal?
-Alzack has a passive to improve gun wielders damage, but there's only 3 characters ingame (so far) that have a gun symbol instead of a sword. The only character who even has a gun type is currently the gun main character. Those that actually use guns in game like Alzack and Bisca are just labeled as fairy tail.
-Map rewards: Taking into account some price issues from above, maps like abyss palace have advanced recruitment for sale at a 'discount'. Final reward has 3 for 300 even with a 20% discount. The chest below that has 2 scrolls for 300g even with a 20% discount, it actually went up by 50%. See the theme here? Will post more issues though not on game right now.
-When playing on chrome, if you switch to another tab for just a couple mins you seem to get disconnected. Windows Edge doesn't have this issue.
-Main character's level 4 awakening gives +5% physical attack, even if you're a mage which uses magic/int.
-Game tends to freeze when a unit dies by dot damage or block.
-Exclusive keys are 200gold, 10=2,000 yet drawing 10 from the screen will only require 1,600gold. Invisible rebate?
-Same issue with partners. Scrolls are 100g, 10=1000g yet drawing uses only 800.
-Cosmetic issue, don't recall which browsers had it but sometimes enemies appear stuck in animation right in front of vanguard.
-Not sure about this one, Kageyama doesn't seem to seal much compared to say Evergreen. Don't recall if there was someone capable of silence in game yet, but I take it it'll be considered a different debuff from stun and seal?
-Alzack has a passive to improve gun wielders damage, but there's only 3 characters ingame (so far) that have a gun symbol instead of a sword. The only character who even has a gun type is currently the gun main character. Those that actually use guns in game like Alzack and Bisca are just labeled as fairy tail.
-Map rewards: Taking into account some price issues from above, maps like abyss palace have advanced recruitment for sale at a 'discount'. Final reward has 3 for 300 even with a 20% discount. The chest below that has 2 scrolls for 300g even with a 20% discount, it actually went up by 50%. See the theme here? Will post more issues though not on game right now.